I know you all have great nicknames, either funny, weird, or they describe something in your life. I'm just wondering how you guys and girls got your names? My name is hal0. Basically, I used to be [F]uS|oN, and I was all in the warez scene. When the man started cracking down on the so-called 'warez scene', I decided to go in a underground bunker and change my name. I didn't want it to be long, I didn't want it to be uppercase, and I wanted it to be leet. I figure .. hal0. That sounds cool. I also used it in Quake II. My quote for the clan page was "When I rail you, you sure as hell ain't going to heaven". Oh yeah, I'm an atheist, so that's a bit ironic, eh?
"I'm not dumb. I'm smart in my own way."