well, ill try not to be biased here, but here be a quick run down of some of the best games:PlayStation: Metal Gear Solid pretty much tops out, followed by GT, Tekken 3, and the Final Fantasies.
Saturn/Dreamcast: im not sure on this one. Panzer Dragoon SAGA or Shining Force 3. The DC, Soul Calibur and Sonic.
N64: Dont get me started on this bundle of crap. but Golden Eye/Maro Cart would do.
Hand Helds: OK, im NOT going to say Pokemon. So Tetris.
PC: oooooh, another toughie. Myst was the best selling game of all time, so thats up there along with Quake, UT, HL, War/Star Craft, and Homeworld (heheh, i love that game)
thats about it... i know there are many more great games, but my hands hurt, no more typing!
UT 0wnz j00 all!